Friday, April 3, 2020

Request for a humanitarian assistance

 Dear Sir/Madam,

On behalf of the Chittagong Hill Tracts NGO Alliance, I am the president of the Kapo Seba Sangha (KSS) which is a
socio-religious development organization, a CHT NGO alliance network
working with 12 NGOs for social and humanitarian development, due
to lock down situation, the remote hard to reach  poor tribal
families are facing hunger crisis specifically in remote areas of
Chittagong Hill Tracts CHT region whose income depend on selling
forest products and or daily laboring

 Now, they suffering from hunger as their income sources stop recently
due to lock down, so, I would like to request to the humanitarian organizations, individual donors to kindly
extend your help for the poorest tribal families by sending cash and in kinds.
 I encourage your sympathetic support and help for save the lives of the poor
villagers of CHT. of Bangladesh who have been in the situation of Covid-19 lock down.

Contact: Keranmoy Chakma
Cell:=8801553761747, +8801732929099

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