Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Support Us

Globally, an estimated 121 million children do not attend school. Of that number, 65 million are girls. Among all the development goals set out by the world community, eliminating gender disparity in primary and secondary education is the first due in 2005. It is an essential step toward achieving education for all children.
 The indigenous community of Bangladesh are marginalized, disadvantaged and about 72% of the population live under the poverty line  caused CHT conflicts displacing tens of thousands of poor marginalized farmers. So, more than 80% of the tribal/indigenous students drop out from the schools before completion of SSC & HSC level. So we would like to request in KSS's child education, see the details of fundsraising campaigns at www.globalgiving.org, http://ksscht.blogspot.com

Support in our child education

Without education, there is no development, and without books there is no education. I've never heard of a country that has been able to develop without an educated population, considering  this  issue, we request the donors to contribute to our child education.
KSS is committed to creating an environment in which all children, regardless of their gender, socioeconomic background or circumstances, have access to free primary education by providing services to the most marginalized populations of CHT, Bangladesh, it to focus special attention on the children excluded from education.